- Got assigned to making a github page for the week
- Did some things in the terminal like configuring my email and github id
- Made a git clone with the student repository
- Installed a bunch of tools/updated previous ones with the commands found on the github setup blog
- Some tools installed were python, jupyter , & rbnev
- Checked out some of the compsci blogs that were linked on slack
- Checked out some of the compsci blogs that were linked on slack
- Pretty sure I ran into some problems with the version checks section so tried figuring that out for the whole day
- Read up on the compsci blogs that werte linked on slack / found on the CSSE schedule github
- Tried figuring out the problems I were having with having the right python/jupyter version (if i remember correctly)
- did bundle install and make after figuring out the problem
- figured out how to change my theme
- Figured out how to put my drawing from week 0 into my home page
- Figured out how to put my class schedule onto the home page